Digital Marketing Strategy

In my “Marketing in a Digital Age” class, I had the opportunity to work with my peers in creating a digital marketing strategy for a start-up run by UW-Madison engineering students. Over the semester, we conducted an audit of competitors' and LEEFA's online presence, selected a target market, offered three thorough recommendations, and identified relevant KPIs. The following is a brief summary of the strategy we presented to LEEFA.


Luxurious, everlasting, efficient, forward-thinking, and adaptable. The LEEFA is a revolutionized, reusable shower loofah made from recycled ocean plastics. It functions with interchangeable heads and can be refilled with your soap of choice.

Digital Marketing Audit


At the time, LEEFA was in the process of developing a website. They demonstrated a great “mobile-first mindset” as the site adapts to both desktop computers and mobile smartphones. 

Social Media

LEEFA was active primarily on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Their existing social presence was strong as they had a cohesive design across the different platforms, and their content was catered to each social network's unique functionalities.

Target Market

Consumer Persona: Jenny

  • Age: 20-40
  • Income: $30k-$70k
  • Education: College graduate
  • Interests: Fitness, health, beauty, the environment
  • Motivations: Value experiences, promiscuous shoppers, seek relevancy, rely on peer recommendations
  • Concerns: Personal status, sustainable products

Our Recommendations


LEEFA should invest in micro-influencers with 10,000 - 25,000 followers. They should also contract with them to post Instagram stories. There is an increasing interest in stories among younger consumers as they encourage participation. For example, influencers can use polls, emoji sliders, and sticker questions to better connect with their followers. Additionally, because of Instagram's UI and algorithm, stories have more visibility than posts.


Inbound marketing is a great way to acquire loyal customers and convert them into advocates for your brand. Blogs have the inherent ability to enhance a brand's social media, SEM, and content marketing.

Paid Search

Paid search provides brands the ability to target specific audiences and maintain strict control over budgets. Because LEEFA is a start-up, this is a great digital marketing tactic they can use to increase awareness, drive conversions, and keep costs down.

Four keywords we thought LEEFA should target are:

  • [leefa]
  • "loofah"
  • [loofah alternative]
  • [durable loofah]

Measurement and Evaluation


  • Keywords: Clicks, impressions, CTR, conversions, CVR, ROAS
  • Blogs: Views, pages per session, time per session
  • Influencers: Engagement metrics, views


  • Comments on blogs and influencer content
  • Consistency between keywords and user intent